We are all seeking ways to live a healthy life. We know how important eating healthy and exercising regularly is to both our physical and emotional well-being. What about our teeth, how does our mouth fit into this quest? Our oral health is a great place to start, specifically with the use of fluoride. Our Family Dentistry Office in Walled Lake can help you get started on rebuilding your teeth.

Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay

It is a naturally occurring mineral that helps fight cavities by making the outer surface of your teeth, the enamel, more resistant to bacteria and acid that cause tooth decay. Fluoride benefits both children and adults and it is never too late to reap the benefits. Developing teeth in an infant and child take in fluoride systemically from foods, beverages and dietary supplements.

Toothpaste, mouth rinses and fluoride treatments provide topical benefits.

They both yield a strong hard surface of the tooth making it easier to resist decay. Fluoride also makes it difficult for acids to demineralize developing permanent teeth in children as well as help to restore erupted teeth in adults.
Daily use of fluoride is a good idea. It can slow down and prevent tooth decay. Call our Walled Lake office today, for a Free Dental Evaluation, and get started on a healthy mouth today!