Many people have common concerns about their teeth. Misshapen, chipped or crooked teeth can make you feel less confident about your smile, as well as yourself.  Your smile is the first thing people notice about you, especially upon a first introduction. You should feel good about it, not embarrassed.  If you are struggling with your smile, you might want to think about dental veneers. They are a great option to restore your smile and here a few reasons why.

Dental veneers are custom made thin shells that are bonded to the front surface of your tooth. The results are a beautiful white smile.

One of the best things about dental veneers is how versatile they are.

They are used to repair damaged, discolored or poorly shaped teeth. They can also close spaces, straighten crooked teeth and make teeth more symmetrical.

Furthermore, the custom fit is not only aesthetically pleasing, it provides strength and durability to help protect your teeth against decay.  Dr. Hechtman, in Walled Lake, MI has many years’ experience with porcelain veneers and uses the highest quality materials.  Dental veneers solve an array of dental concerns in just a few office visits!

Another benefit of porcelain veneers is that they improve the function and feel of your smile. Your teeth will be more symmetrical and you will have a smooth arc to your bite. Veneers act as a splint if your teeth are cracked and shorter teeth will become more proportionate. All of which contribute to restoring proper biting, chewing, swallowing and of course, smiling.

Being in good overall health and committed to proper daily oral care is always important. If you opt for dental veneers, good oral health practices will help extend the life of your investment.

If you would like to learn more about dental veneers and what Dr. Hechtman at Walled Lake Dentistry can do for your dental concerns, call us today for an appointment.  Get started on an incredible new smile!